Explore the full range of UKU’s premium cannabis products available for wholesale here in Nevada.
Please view the all current UKU offerings on LeafLink -or- email us at wholesale.nv@ec2-3-17-131-234.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Available UKU SKUs in NV

-60-80% + potency
-Available in a variety of natural flavors
-Always 3rd party lab tested for quality, cleanliness and potency
-NO butane or any hydrocarbon-based solvents used EVER
-Proven & reliable hardware with ceramic core heating element
-Available in 500mg

-70-90% + potency
-Available in a variety of strains
-Always 3rd party lab tested for quality, cleanliness and potency
-NO butane or any hydrocarbon-based solvents used EVER
-Proven & reliable CCELL cartridges with silicone seal
-Available in 500mg & 1000mg